Rainbow Cream Floral Rug
Product Details
This beautiful and unique modern rug features design by mid-twentieth century flower design. Highly abstract, the flower composition is brilliant which give an aesthetic value to the mid-century movement. The combination of colours connects you and your home. Modern suttle colour range, for clean clear adaption. Frise is a hard-wearing fabric which takes colours well. With a similar touch to wool, the fabric is stain resistant, easily washable and abrasive resistant. The Combination of Colours Connects You and Your Home to Provide Ambient Atmosphere With Sympathetic Lines.
Stain resistant.
Easily cleaned - some bleach cleanable.
Resistant to mildew.
Have good abrasion resistance.
Prone flattening quicker than other fabrics.
Not easily damaged by sunlight or weather.
Do not absorb moisture making them damp resistant.